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How to Display Jewelry Showcases For Sale to Drive Sales

  • Wed Mar 2023

Your store has carefully chosen, or handcrafted, the ideal jewelry pieces. Now it's time to get those pieces into customers' hands so your business can flourish and make a profit. In this article on enhancing your jewelry showcase, we provide 16 display tips that will draw more attention to your merchandise and encourage shoppers to buy.

1. Don't overcrowd your products.

Jewelry shopping can be an intensely personal experience, so presentation is key. With most stores only dedicating 10% of their floor space to displays, overcrowding items in each display creates visual clutter instead of an inviting jewelry showcase.

2. Create a strong focal point in each display.

Place the top 20% (most expensive or desired items) in featured vignettes or displays, place the next 40% in low-density trays or cases, and finally finish with higher-density trays for final presentation.

3. Select fixtures that reflect your brand and image without drawing attention away from your jewelry pieces.

Alternatively, using props can add a dramatic flair to displays - drawing attention and showcasing merchandise.

4. Make sure all pieces fit the size and scale of each space appropriately.

By doing this, they don't appear too small or overwhelming.

5. Add Dimension with Risers, Props, etc.

This gives displays dimension and emphasizes each piece in greater detail.

6. Group similar items together by type, color, etc., rather than creating random selections.

7. Highlight lower price point products to position and promote as impulse purchases.

8. Utilize a planogram when designing your layout and each display; take photos of the completed displays once complete.

Sales associates will find it much simpler to restock displays each morning and quickly insert new merchandise into their designated spots within the displays.

9 Avoid these Common Mistakes Made By Merchandisers

10. Make sure all displays remain replenished as items sell quickly

Steer clear of empty spaces to avoid unsightly reflections and the potential loss of sales.

11. Mix Popular Items with Unpopular Items to Increase Sales.

When your merchandise doesn't sell, don't group them together. Intermingle them with popular items in order to increase their chances of catching a shopper's attention. Or return them back into the store room for a while and bring them back out at another time.

12. Choose lighting carefully.

Lighting plays an integral role in showcasing jewelry's natural shine and sparkle. LED lights offer the best option for cases, while overheads should be painted a color that complements your clientele's skin tones. Double-check all lights to make sure they're pointed correctly.

13. Utilize mirrors strategically.

Mirrors can help make a small store appear larger and more inviting.

14. Display potential gift items prominently.

15. Gift wrap or box each sold piece in an eye-catching way.

16. Visit other stores to discover what jewelry showcase design ideas they're using.


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